Saturday, September 1, 2007

Taste and See

I like to sit around and think about stuff. Poke around on the Internet and figure stuff out. But I realize that, mostly, I just like to be right. Reasoning leads to a nice neat pattern, and patterns are easy to live in. Just like I prefer to sleep in a tightly made bed, with lots of perfect right angles.

It occurs to me, however, that God is not much interested in all that. The Apostle Paul, who knew a great deal more about God than anyone alive today, said he saw "through a glass darkly." And, lest we forget it, "even the demons believe." So me having things figured out might not be all that important after all. I think the best moments of knowing God -- "being a Christian" -- have very little to do with creed. Certainly, we need to study the Word if we expect to recognize God's voice when it comes a-whispering. But the Still Small Voice doesn't usually speak in syllogisms or theorems. He speaks in gut-level conviction, hate-melting love, and poetry-breathing beauty.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good." You know, tasting has not a whit to do with logic. It's purely sensual. Requires savoring. Stillness. Sometimes, I really just need to shut up.


Rick said...

Preach it. Sometimes alot can be said without many words.

Todd R. Vick said...

Written with the graceful yet poignant elegance of a Crabb. Well said.