Friday, September 14, 2007

After-School Comments

Monday: "Spencer told me he knows how to hypnotize. He's going to bring me instructions tomorrow."

Tuesday: "Katie gave me her phone number and told me to call her as soon as I get home." (and thus it begins...)

Wednesday: "Dad says Spencer is pulling my leg. So I told him that I have a time machine and I traveled back to yesterday."

Thursday: "I need to make my homework look good. Mrs. Matthews is a big look-gooder. She's also a big recycler. It's good for the goverment."

Friday: "How do you build a time machine? I need to make one by Monday."


Rick said...

Tell Harper that Daddy used to keep his time machine in the garage - she might want to check there first.

Todd R. Vick said...

Under normal circumstances, I would advise Harper to use a DeLorean to build her Time Machine. However, being that she is a Kirk, she should use a Mustang instead.