Saturday, January 24, 2009

Stress and Stuff

I've been too stressed out to write lately. Every time I sit down and read some amusing bloggage and want to post some of my own, all I can think of is to-do lists and a general assortment of gripes. I've decided I'm done with that. What I need more of is random happy thoughts.

1. I gave an exam yesterday where instead of a discussion question I made my students pretend to be aliens and compile a list of "artifacts" from the lit they'd read over the semester (collected through a time machine). They thought I was nuts. When teenagers think you're nuts, you gotta be doin something right.

2. My mom and mom-in-law bought me a new outfit yesterday. New outfits make you feel good.

3. I watched Burn After Reading the other day on DVD. It's a tragicomedy. Not that great, but Brad Pitt was a scream. "Was a scream" is such an 80's thing to say.

4. Twilight was a bunch of silly fluff with some ridiculous scenes, but I paid admission to see it twice. Might go again when it hits the dollar theatres. The "dollar" theatre now costs three dollars.

5. I am one chapter shy of finishing my novel and have already let one friend read it. It might be crap, but I did it (well, almost...)


Steve said...

You're such a cool teacher. Can folks come and audit your class?

"Twilight"...unfortunately, a massive chick flick. I feel less of a man even typing the movie title. Mind...clouding. Must...remove...thought...from...brain. Must think of football and "Baywatch" and hunting and pickup trucks. There. That's better.

Todd R. Vick said...

LOL! Ritter is a scream! Speaking of the 80s, I heard that Tom Selleck is now 64. Does that make him Magnum light?