Friday, January 2, 2009


I got a Kindle for Christmas. It makes me very happy, even when I am not reading it - even when I am just looking at how cute and adorable and hyper-technically cool it is. The Kindle is one reason I don't have time to blog much anymore. The above photo features my Kindle propped up on my brown leather reading chair, by the fire, where I intend to spend as much of my upcoming days and nights as possible. I will put out the fire when winter is over and by summer will move my Kindle Station to the back porch. It transfers nicely to Starbucks as well.

Must go read now...

P.S. I still keep a paperback handy to take to the bathtub. I will not post a photo of that.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Very very jealous in an unhealthy way right now. Argh.