Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kayak Shenanigans

I knew it was over before I even went under. The kayak had turned backwards, a rock leapt up behind me from beneath the white water, and I gave in. I think I heard the river gods laugh as I got a noseful of water. To tell you the truth, I was laughing too. What business did I have in a kayak anyway?

The scene was the Nantahala River in North Carolina. The cast of characters? About 70 ninth graders from Hammond School, where I teach 9th grade. I was roped into this unlikely adventure by a sense of professional duty. Actually, I have always liked chaperoning field trips - it's the "adventure" part that got me into trouble this time. I prefer paved cities, show tickets, fine restaurants, and other low impact activities that do not require me to strap myself into a narrow tube designed for speed, flips, and rock collisions. But I do like the water, and I figured a minor case of terror shouldn't prevent me from joining in on the "fun."

The first day was spent on the lake learning how to hang upside-down in said kayak, how to exit said kayak for dear life, and how to regain one's breath in very very very cold cold water. Surrounded by 14-year-olds who were having no trouble conquering this task, I tried to act like an adult and follow instructions. I did it, and it was worth it. Plus, I figured that if I did not push through a little personal fear on the water, I'd have no right to ask my students to push through their fear of published writing, public speaking, or test taking. Life gives us all challenges, some of them requiring helmets.

The next day was on the river, and my goal was clear: enjoy the scenery, enjoy the kids, and stay upright. Two out of three ain't bad, as they say. It really was inevitable. Friends and family are not shocked. By the time the kayak had hit 90 degrees, I'd pulled the loop and pushed my body into the river. Honestly, it wasn't that scary, and I'm a decent swimmer. The falling out was relatively fun; it was the shockingly cold water that gave me the trouble, constricting my lungs and making me gasp for breath and look altogether pathetic as I grabbed ahold of our guide's kayak and got escorted to the shore like the out-of-shape school marm I am. I decided to take it as a wet badge of courage, and good storytelling for my 8-year-old. I find that if you can tell a story just right, you can reel in a little bit of lost dignity with a cleverly wrought phrase or two. How did I do?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

South Carolina on My Mind

We are South Carolinians again. An odd day to announce this, considering everyone is currently reluctant to admit any connection with the state that gave us Joe Wilson's rude Congressional outburst and that guy who apparently had sex with his horse.

So to break the bad spell, I offer a little ode to Carolina. I love it here. True, we produce teen beauty queens who can barely speak, but I don't blame the state. Not even the state schools. I could argue the point with fancy rhetoric, but I'm not in the mood. The human race is responsible for the Wilsons, the illiterates, the Sanfords, the perverts. We're all a mess.

But here, at home again in the South, I'm back in the midst of some beautiful things. I drink sweet tea everyday. The fish and the chicken are fried. Strangers and professionals greet me with a drawl and a joke. The in-laws are nearby, and they have a pool. The sun shines almost all the time. Temperatures have dropped to the high 70's, and sitting outside is a joy. Everywhere I go, there are green lawns, palmetto trees, and crepe myrtles that never lose their pink. Architecture is red brick, archways, white columns, and black wrought iron. I love archways and iron! Homes are more affordable here and, hence, we live in a lovely neighborhood with winding roads, lots of trees, and adorable houses. I teach at a private school in Columbia, where polite and neatly dressed teenagers say "yes ma'am." My two best friends in the world live five minutes away. Crickets chirp when the sun goes down.

I'm OK with sharing Carolina with a handful of famous idiots, so long as the beauty doesn't fade and the tea stays sweet.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Boxes and Barbeque

Today begins my last week in Seattle. THERE ARE BOXES EVERYWHERE! I dream about bubble wrap and tape dispensers.

We decided to take a little break from the packing and house-buying/selling chaos and have an early "Fake Fourth" with our traditional Independence Day fare: Jay's fantastically delicious BBQ ribs, corn on the cob, and cobbler with cherries from our backyard cherry tree. Delicious!!

But why celebrate the Fourth on the Second? Because by Saturday, all our dishes, pots and pans will also be in BOXES. Surrounded in bubble wrap, sealed up with a tape dispenser.

So for anyone who wants the blow-by-blow update, here it is:
*Sold our house, closed yesterday
*Bought a house in Mallard Lakes in Lexington
*Bought the wrong size dog crate... back to Craigslist again
*Craigslisting the CR-V, too
*Can't find a box tall enough to fit crutches or kiddie teepee in
*Still in physical therapy for the achin' back
*Had farewell dinner with SCS English department last night - sigh
*Making more cherry cobbler for our farewell drop-in Sunday afternoon
*We will leave our home buyers with no more cherries on the tree (fiendish laugh)
* I am only one day behind on the to-do list! Not bad!
* Harper looks forward to painting her new room a "bright-ish yellow-ish green"
* We'll be living with the in-laws for several weeks before moving into our new home -- bet they can't wait to host the 90# labrador retriever!
* We pack up the TV and stereo in a few days -- don't know how I'll cope with 5 days of silence
*Wait... I'll just sing a lot! The fam is sure to love that remedy.
*See everybody in SC real soon! Brew us up some sweet tea!
*Bye bye Seattle. We'll try to take a little of you with us as we open up our coffee shop in Carolina! More news on that in the future!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Top Fives

Top Five Recent Events (in no particular order):
5. Caryn accepts job at Hammond School in Columbia
4. Jay secures pre-approval to buy house in SC
3. Harper learns to do a cartwheel
2. Caryn is able to stand erect after dose of Vicodin
1. Polly sniffs out her new airline approved crate

Top Five Prayers Needed for Upcoming Events:
5. Polly's cross-country transport
4. Need a large vehicle in SC -- lottery?!
3. Harper's security in the move
2. Coffee shop plans!
1. House purchase!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Freedom of Expression

I am now allowed to post about our dynamic and exciting current state of family affairs! For reasons I'm not allowed to mention, I had to remove my last post... some of you caught it fleetingly... the Kirk Secret Service requested that I put a zip on it until a few more details got wrapped up. Very dramatic, yes.

Perhaps you recall that the house was for sale -- the lovely house sign photo makes its reappearance to the left. I am proud to announce that it is now sold, but Coldwell Banker apparently does not put a "sold" banner out, at least not yet. Contract finalized today. We close in three weeks.

As my husband mentioned on his blog, we now need to find a place to put our stuff. Preferrably, that will be within a half hour commute to the fine academic institution with which I will accept a job on Monday morning. Oh, the Kirk secrets never end, do they?!

Today was my last day at my beloved Seattle Christian. Got an engraved Bible as a parting gift. I can't believe it's over. Very sad...

But the new job will be AWESOME! More next week...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mission Accomplished

Today, I mailed in my National Board teaching cert application materials. Been working on them for a year. Due March 31st. Whew...

Can now return to normal life. For my family, this means I might just clean the kitchen. I may even get back to grading papers for my students. I'll balance my checkbook and mail late payments.

Maybe even a blog post or two.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Stress and Stuff

I've been too stressed out to write lately. Every time I sit down and read some amusing bloggage and want to post some of my own, all I can think of is to-do lists and a general assortment of gripes. I've decided I'm done with that. What I need more of is random happy thoughts.

1. I gave an exam yesterday where instead of a discussion question I made my students pretend to be aliens and compile a list of "artifacts" from the lit they'd read over the semester (collected through a time machine). They thought I was nuts. When teenagers think you're nuts, you gotta be doin something right.

2. My mom and mom-in-law bought me a new outfit yesterday. New outfits make you feel good.

3. I watched Burn After Reading the other day on DVD. It's a tragicomedy. Not that great, but Brad Pitt was a scream. "Was a scream" is such an 80's thing to say.

4. Twilight was a bunch of silly fluff with some ridiculous scenes, but I paid admission to see it twice. Might go again when it hits the dollar theatres. The "dollar" theatre now costs three dollars.

5. I am one chapter shy of finishing my novel and have already let one friend read it. It might be crap, but I did it (well, almost...)

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Five girls. Four birthday presents. Three movies. Two large pizzas. One bed-shaped cake. Zero sleep.


Seven trips to the bathroom to vomit. Harper got sick around breakfast time and sent the rest of the morning into a tailspin. The kids ran out of things to do before all the moms showed up, the hubby breezed downstairs and pushed a few of my worst buttons, and then one little girl pushed the rest of them. Meanwhile, more vomit.

Hopefully the pictures will help revive memories of the good times, which seemed to fade soon after sunrise... it really was a cool party. While it was still dark.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I got a Kindle for Christmas. It makes me very happy, even when I am not reading it - even when I am just looking at how cute and adorable and hyper-technically cool it is. The Kindle is one reason I don't have time to blog much anymore. The above photo features my Kindle propped up on my brown leather reading chair, by the fire, where I intend to spend as much of my upcoming days and nights as possible. I will put out the fire when winter is over and by summer will move my Kindle Station to the back porch. It transfers nicely to Starbucks as well.

Must go read now...

P.S. I still keep a paperback handy to take to the bathtub. I will not post a photo of that.