Thursday, January 24, 2008

Plenty Better to Do Indeed

Today is a day completely in alignment with my blog title. On Monday, grades are due at good ole Seattle Christian. This means the administration and scoring of 75 final exams, 75 formal essays, as well as several stacks of homework assignments which I've procrastinated upon for weeks. Some since Christmas. At the moment, I should be at school finishing up said exam with my 10th graders. But I am here, at home, with a semi-sick daughter on the couch watching the never-ending Disney Channel line-up of cartoons. She doesn't look sick or sound sick, but the thermometer insists that she is. So here we are, at home, when we both need to be at school. And what am I doing? Reading and writing blog posts. Avoiding my duties, at least for another five minutes. Then I will be out of excuses. And into the abyss of paper grading, in which I am doomed to suffer for the next three days, approximately. Anybody want to stop by and help? Minimal knowledge of Oedipus, Hamlet, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead required.


Rick said...

My Oedipus is a little rusty, but isn't everyone's?

Caryn Kirk said...

Only if you're lucky.

Todd R. Vick said...

I'm on a plane. I am bringing my red Sharpie, and my complete volumes of Oedipus and Shakespeare (couldn't find the Cliff notes, darnit!). Hopefully, you will be finished before I get there!

Oh, well. It's the thought that counts, right?