Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School

Harper apparently woke up at 5:45 this morning. Of course, I was unconscious at the time. She dressed herself in her new Gymboree outfit, made her own lunch, and put Andy Griffith in the DVD player. She'd been watching TV for 2 hours by the time I was aware of anything this side of REM sleep.

She and her dad set out at 9:00 for their annual Father-Daughter First-Day-of-School trek. Since her school is being demolished and rebuilt this year, the students are being housed in a building right around the corner from our house (as opposed to the 12 minute drive of last year). In the picture, she sports her new duds, backpack, and lunch box.

Her first homework assignment was to write down three things she wants to learn this year. They are: 1) penmanship, 2) division, 3) how to burp the "Star Spangled Banner." Good stuff.


Rick said...

Hooray, Harper!

Charlotte said...

Seriously? 9:00? Was it some kind of special banker's hours day for the first day? We have to be at school at 7:30 and 7:45. What kind of fantasy camp are they running out there on the west coast? My kids are halfway through lunch by 9:00....

She looks really cute though....she apparently got the fashion prayer answered.

Todd R. Vick said...

Uncle Todd can help her with Number 3.

James said...

Out here on the frontier schools don't start until 9:30.

Caryn Kirk said...

Normally, elementary runs 9:20-3:40but this year, with the school being temporarily located further north, it's 9:30-4:00. Hurrah!!! (secondary runs earlier hours, so the fantasy runs out in 5 years)

Steve said...

My kids were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the first day, too. I've found that the second day is the true test. As I suspected, trying to get them up Thursday morning was like trying to wake the dead.